Recipes with fleshy peppers

In the following list of recipes you can find 4 recipes made with fleshy peppers ingredient.
  • Beat veal slices lightly and put them to marinate in a spoonful of olive oil, chopped parsley, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Every now and then turns the meat...
    Main ingredient: Calf
  • Clean the chicken, fiammeggiatelo, wash and cut into pieces. Fire place a pan with oil, put in the chicken and let it Brown, time. Add the finely chopped onion...
    Main ingredient: Chicken
  • Cut all the meat (including bacon) into slices and then check. Put the peppers on the tines of the fork and bruciacchiare them on the flame, then Peel. Cut...
    Main ingredient: Calf
  • Put the flour on the work surface, knead it quickly with the softened butter and salt, pull it to browse with the rolling pin to about half a centimetre thick....
    Main ingredient: Peppers