Recipes with for grease:

In the following list of recipes you can find 4 recipes made with for grease: ingredient.
  • Prepare the pectin, and keep it ready for use. Very finely chop the onions and put them to simmer in a saucepan, slow flame, with the butter and oil: when you...
    Main ingredient: Onions
  • Let thaw the puff pastry at room temperature. Meanwhile, wash and dry the tomatoes (preferably both of the same size) and thinly sliced mozzarella. As soon as...
    Main ingredient: Mozzarella
  • Put the flour on the work surface, sprinkle with salt, add the butter and 1 egg ribbons. Start intridere the ingredients with your fingertips, then knead the...
    Main ingredient: Apples
  • Shelled eggs separating yolks from whites. Put them into a metal Bowl and place over a saucepan with hot water on low heat. Start to beat with a whisk,...
    Main ingredient: Chocolate