Recipes with gorgonzola dolce

In the following list of recipes you can find 7 recipes made with gorgonzola dolce ingredient.
  • Clean spinach and cook them with a knob of butter and salt. Drain when they're good and strizzali, then cut into small pieces. While you are cooking the pasta...
    Main ingredient: Gorgonzola dolce
  • Peels the onion, thinly affettala and lavala. You melt the butter in a pot and put to fry the onion. When the onion will become transparent, add the rice and...
    Main ingredient: Gorgonzola
  • Trim and wash the zucchini, cut them in half lengthwise and, using a scooper, remove all the pulp and put it aside in a bowl. If the courgettes should be a bit...
    Main ingredient: Zucchini