Recipes with sunflower oil

In the following list of recipes you can find 9 recipes made with sunflower oil ingredient.
  • In a bowl beat the egg to omelet with a whisk, gradually add the sifted flour, alternating with soy milk, always banging; Finally add salt and let it sit at...
    Main ingredient: Seitan
  • Sift the flour and arrange in fontana on the work surface. Put yourself in the Center eggs and salt and knead with your hands until the dough is smooth and...
    Main ingredient: Cuttlefish
  • Mix it with a sauce made with: 1 tablespoon of broth, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil, 1 teaspoon of Blanc battu, salt, mustard, pepper,...
    Main ingredient: Potatoes
  • Mix it with a sauce made with: 1 tablespoon of broth, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil, salt, pepper, mustard, paprika, parsley and chives.
    Main ingredient: Potatoes
  • The meat is only available from macrobiotic and herbalists shops while the beans are also on sale at the supermarket. Cut the tomatoes into wedges and put them...
    Main ingredient: Tomatoes
  • Place onion, carrot and celery slices in a saucepan with oil and chopped ham; FRY at a moderate flame, add the minced meat and FRY, stirring and basting...
    Main ingredient: Spinach