Recipes with the maraschino cherries (optional)

In the following list of recipes you can find 3 recipes made with the maraschino cherries (optional) ingredient.
  • Prepare in bowl, with a lot of ice, decorated with a lemon cut into slices and diced fruit in season; wishing you can add the maraschino cherries. Serve in...
    Main ingredient: Whisky
  • Put the sugar in a bowl and pour the water slowly, stirring with a wooden spoon; then let it sit for 40 minutes syrup, stirring occasionally until the sugar...
    Main ingredient: Wine Champagne
  • Shake with ice cubes in the mixer. Fill half the tumbler, add plenty of cold soda well and serve with a slice of lemon, Orange and peel a grapefruit. Wishing...
    Main ingredient: Gin