The aragonese chicken

The aragonese chicken
The aragonese chicken 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Clean the chicken, split it into eight or twelve small pieces as uniform as possible and sprinkle them with salt and paprika mixed with the flour.

Cut the slices of ham into cubes of 1 cm per side.

Place floured chicken pieces and flavoured in a pan that contains them smoothly, along with olive oil, and brown them well on each side.

Add the cubes of ham, dates a mixed and FRY themselves to medium heat.

Add the chopped garlic and the wine, turn the chicken pieces and cook for 20 minutes, then remove them from the pan.

Put in the chicken cooking onions cut into wedges, celery, peppers and tomatoes and FRY stirring continuously, then add salt.

Transfer the vegetables in a baking dish, lay over the chicken pieces and the ham and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.


As the title suggests, this is a dish native to Aragon, but is widespread throughout Spain, where it is prepared in numerous variations.

Whatever the recipe, ingredients are always the same, namely the chicken, peppers, ham and tomatoes.

The aragonese chicken

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 6 persons


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