Apple mousse (3) (Spuma di Mele (3))

Apple mousse (3) (Spuma di Mele (3))
Apple mousse (3) (Spuma di Mele (3)) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Choose quality soft apples, remove the seeds and core, thickly thin and cook with sugar and three tablespoons of water.

From hand to hand that cooks remove it and then pass through a sieve.

Perfumed the resulting puree with a glass of sweet liqueur or strong according to the taste and add, stirring gently and pouring a little at a time, the whipped cream.

White paper-lined the inside of a mould, pour the mixture and even out the surface.

Put in fresh, possibly ice, and leave it for about two hours, no less.

Then put, remove with light hand paper and served by spraying the surface with a bit of liquor of the same quality that you used for the mixture.

Apple mousse (3) (spuma di mele (3))

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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