Timbale of rice and chicken

Timbale of rice and chicken
Timbale of rice and chicken 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Cook the rice in a pot with boiling salted water, drain it after 15 minutes, so that it is well to the tooth, place it in a bowl and season with 40 g of melted butter.

Then carefully clean the chicken, remove the innards, fiammeggiatelo to remove any residues piumosi, disossatelo and cut it into small pieces.

Fry the finely chopped onion in a saucepan with a knob of butter and a sprig of Sage; Add the chicken pieces and let them flavor in the sauce for 4-5 minutes to heat slightly sparkling; sprinkle them with salt and ground pepper a and continue cooking for 20 minutes on moderate heat.

Peel the tomatoes and cut the flesh into wedges, discarding the seeds.

cut the ham into small dice.

At this point, grease a mold of 1.

5 l of capacity with the rest of the butter and sprinkle on the bottom half, chicken rice, tomato wedges and diced ham.

Cover everything with the remaining rice, press okay not to leave empty spaces, wet the timbale with the broth and pass in the oven already warm (170 degrees) for 45 minutes.

When finished, put the timballo onto a serving dish, garnish with tomato wedges and basil leaves and serve.


Remember that, for the timbales, it is advisable to use harsh grain rice, so they do not hash with baking.

Timbale of rice and chicken

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 6 persons


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