Triumph of amarena

Triumph of amarena
Triumph of amarena 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Place the isinglass in cold water to soften.

Melt 50 g of butter.

Put the biscuits in a clean cloth and pestateli with meat tenderizer to reduce them to dust.

Transfer into a bowl and add the melted butter and as much liquor as it will serve to achieve a dense and compact.

Grease with butter a baking dish and pour easily detachable from the mixture, forming a layer about 2 cm a day level it with the back of a spoon.

Put the Pan in the refrigerator.

Boil the milk with 100 g sugar.

Put the yolks in a saucepan enamel join flour and vanillin and fitted with a small whip.

Dilute with warm milk, stirring continuously.

Keep the mixture on the stove, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the early tremblings of boiling.

Squeeze two sheets of isinglass and mix them to the mixture.

Remove from heat and let cool completely.

Whip the cream and add to mixture.

Remove the Pan from the refrigerator, pour in the mixture and put in the freezer.

Wash the cherries, cherries with the appropriate tool and put them in a pan with the remaining sugar.

Soft focus, mix for about 15 minutes, then add the last sheet of fish wrung glue and mix thoroughly; Let cool.

Remove the cake from the freezer and put over the cherries with their syrup.

Keep in the freezer for about 4 hours.

After the stipulated time, remove the Pan from the freezer, sganciatene the Board and slide the soft ice cream on the serving dish.

Serve immediately.

Triumph of amarena

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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