Cold soup of leeks and potatoes to the smell of dawn

Cold soup of leeks and potatoes to the smell of dawn
Cold soup of leeks and potatoes to the smell of dawn 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Clean the leeks eliminating even the outermost layer, sliced the white part, and then braise it with little oil and white wine; When the leeks are tender add the sliced potatoes and broth, and simmer until the potatoes are cooked well, almost sfarinate.

Let cool, then carefully passes the mixer until a smooth cream well; add milk, mix well and add salt.

Place the soup in the refrigerator for an hour or more; When serving, add about a teaspoon of truffle-flavoured olive oil, stirring well and tasting every now and then: the quantity of oil to be added depends on the quality of the product and by personal taste.

It is good to remember that in a balanced dish no taste or smell should prevail on the harmony of the whole.

Pour two ladles of soup in holsters or in bowls, Garnish each portion with a few parsley and two thin slices of truffle and serve cold but not frozen.

Cold soup of leeks and potatoes to the smell of dawn

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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