Mushroom mushroom tartlets

Mushroom mushroom tartlets
Mushroom mushroom tartlets 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00667 PIE MOULD FUNGI MUSHROOMS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 400 g of puff pastry, 30 g butter + butter to the Pan, 2 shallots, 500 g champignons mushrooms, 100 g chopped, cooked ham 2 tablespoons fine bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon parsley, one tablespoon of chopped chives, an egg, a tablespoon of meat extract, pepper.

Heat oven to 210 degrees.

Roll out the puff pastry on work surface and cut into 4 pieces.

Grease 4 small pastries and foderateli moulds with the dough so that the paste adheres well, stamped on the bottom with a fork and refrigerate.

Peel and mince the shallots, clean the mushrooms and cut them into strips.

In a pan with hot butter Sauté shallots for 2 minutes over medium heat; Add the mushrooms and pepper.

Continue cooking for 10 minutes on medium heat, turn off the heat and remove the water formed.

In a bowl mix the Ham with the breadcrumbs, parsley, chives, egg, meat and mushrooms, stir well to mix all the ingredients.

Spread the mixture into the molds, place in oven and cook for 20 minutes in a hot oven.

The top should be golden.

Transfer small pastries on a hot serving dish and serve.

Mushroom mushroom tartlets


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