Butterflies with nettles and marinated trout

Butterflies with nettles and marinated trout
Butterflies with nettles and marinated trout 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_03333 BUTTERFLIES with nettles and MARINATED TROUT INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 300 g, 180 g of fresh Trout Fillet with skin, 30 g fine salt, 30 g sugar, 6 sprigs of parsley, 80 g florets of nettle (or tender spinach), 80 g of flakes of cheese, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, pepper, salt wash the Trout Fillet and dry well with paper towels.

Wash the parsley and chop the leaves with half the amount of sugar.

Place the mixture in a bowl and join the rest of the sugar and the salt.

Spread the mixture on the fillet of trout above the side without the skin.

Place it on a flat plate, with the coated side upwards and keep it in the refrigerator less cold for at least 24 hours.

After this time, scrape the mixture with the blade of a knife, and delete any remaining bones with tweezers.

Wash and dry it.

Cut the fillet into thin vertical slices, arriving with a knife until the skin and staccatele from it.

In a large saucepan bring to a boil 3 liter of water and add salt with coarse salt.

Washed nettle leaves, having stuck rubber gloves, not to face outwards.

Remove any tough stems and cut the sprigs apart, time in water and then return to a boil.

Add the pasta and cook for the time recommended on the package.

Drain the pasta and vegetables, preserving 1 2 tablespoons water or cooking pasta.

Place in a salad bowl cheese flakes, olive oil, pepper, pasta and nettles, if you need to add the cooking water by hand, mix well, add the slices of trout and stir again.

Transfer to a serving dish, garnish with parsley and serve.

Butterflies with nettles and marinated trout


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