Sardinian potatoes gratin

Sardinian potatoes gratin
Sardinian potatoes gratin 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


05542 SARDINIAN POTATO GRATIN INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 600 g of potatoes, 1 garlic clove, 6 tablespoons of olive oil, a large onion, 2 leeks, 200 g Minced pork, 250 g of peeled tomatoes and shredded leaves, 2 tablespoon capers, 8 fresh basil leaves, 200 ml of ready-made béchamel sauce, grated nutmeg, 75 g of grated Parmesan, butter dish, salt, pepper preparation time: 30 minutes cooking time: 1 hour Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices.

Let them Brown in a skillet 15 minutes 4 tablespoons hot oil, then add salt and pepper, add the crushed garlic and stir.

Preheat oven to 210° Clean leeks, cut the white part into thin round slices and chopped capers.

Peel and finely chop the onion and let it FRY in remaining oil with the pork for 2 minutes then add the leeks, peeled tomatoes, capers, salt, pepper and shredded Basil and continue cooking another 5 minutes.

Heat the sauce and add the nutmeg.

In a buttered baking dish, put a layer of potatoes and vegetables and pork.

Finish with the potatoes and cover with the sauce and grated Parmesan gratinando the Pan in hot oven for 35 minutes.


Sardinian potatoes gratin


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