Lombard quartirolo and caponatina

Lombard quartirolo and caponatina
Lombard quartirolo and caponatina 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


LOMBARD QUARTIROLO and CAPONATINA 05265 4 PERSONS INGREDIENTS 8 slices of fresh Lombard Quartirolo by 50 g, 300 g, 80 g of celery, 50 g of black olives, 50 g chopped fresh tomato, onion 30 g, 20 g of capers dwarfs under salt, 1 tbsp pine nuts, 20 g butter, 1/2 dl of extra virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, salt and white pepper.

PROCEDURE Cut the Eggplant into small cubes and sauté them in a pan without seasoning.

Clean the celery and cut into chunks.

Cook for two minutes in boiling salted water.

Drain and keep aside.

Cut into cubes the tomatoes.

Water capers.

Pitted olives and cut them into four parts.

In a pan put the oil, add the chopped onion and cook slowly for two minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon and without taking colour.

Add the celery and eggplants, season and add the capers, pine nuts and olives, add salt, pepper and mix.

Add the diced tomato and let it heat up.

In a Pan fry with a drop of oil the Quartirolo slices with sharp fire from both sides, sprinkle with vinegar.

Arrange the slices of Lombard Quartirolo and caponatina sprayed on everything with the remaining vinegar poured directly from the pan.

Lombard quartirolo and caponatina


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