Sardinian tomatoes stuffed with avocado

Sardinian tomatoes stuffed with avocado
Sardinian tomatoes stuffed with avocado 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


SARDINIAN STUFFED TOMATOES 05679 AVOCADO INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 20 small tomatoes ripe avocado, 1, 1 lemon, 1 small onion, 1 pinch of strong paprika powder, 1 bunch of Arugula, 1 bunch of radishes, extra-virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.

Prepare an avocado cream sauce: Finely chop the white part of the scallion and deponetelo in the bottom of a blender.

Add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, salt, pepper and paprika.

Blend everything together to make a vinaigrette.

Peel the avocado, cut it in half, remove the core and cut into pieces.

Put it in a blender, blend until a thick cream and taste; If necessary, season with salt and a little lemon.

Cut the cherry tomatoes and the svuotateli of all the seeds.

Wash the Arugula and sgrondate.

Peel the radishes, wash them, dry them and cut them into 2 or 4.

Prepare a salad with Arugula and radishes and seasoned with salt, pepper and lemon juice.

Tomatoes stuffed with avocado cream and serve with a little salad.

Sardinian tomatoes stuffed with avocado


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