Roast pork with onion

Roast pork with onion
Roast pork with onion 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


ROAST PORK with ONION and 06001 INGREDIENTS 4 PERSONS 800 g of pork loin, 2 large onions, butter, Rosemary, cloves, Bay leaves, thyme, dry red wine, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.

PROCEDURE the day before cooking, prepare the meat piece by placing it in a crock pot along with two chopped onions, rosemary leaves, 2 cloves, bay leaf, thyme and a few grains of pepper.

On the whole, pour about half a litre of wine.

When cooking, drain the meat thoroughly, put in a pot about 20 g of butter and two tablespoons of oil and saucepan, heat the meat on all sides.

Meanwhile, blend all marinade with wine onion and herb except the cloves and Bay leaves.

When the meat is browned, continue cooking, adding gradually a bit of wine and spices smoothie.

After cooking, cut the meat into slices, big enough and serve well-heated with its tasty and thick gravy.

Roast pork with onion


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