The two pheasant salad cabbage

The two pheasant salad cabbage
The two pheasant salad cabbage 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


08468 PHEASANT BREAST SALAD with TWO CABBAGES INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 1/2 strain of red cabbage, 1/2 cabbage strain, 4 tablespoons of wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon walnut oil, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons mustard, 1 clove of garlic, 500 g breast of pheasant, 30 g butter, 10 cl dry white wine, salt, shredded pepper preparation time: 25 minutes cooking time: 15 minutes 1 hour Procedure: finely Chopped cabbage hearts.

Meanwhile, in a bowl beat together the vinegar, oil, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper.

Throw in boiling salted water cabbage cut into threads and let them cook for 2 minutes.

Pass the cabbage under cold water, drain well and leave them in a salad bowl with the vinegar.

Mix them and leave them an hour in a cool place.

In a pan you browned in butter pheasant breasts with salt and pepper, turning well on both sides.

Wait for it to cool and then cut into oval slices.

Discard the cooking fat of pheasant and degreased what remains with the white wine.

Please reduce the sauce by half and, after having sifted, pour it over the salad.

Stir the cabbage salad and divide on the plate of each diner.

Garnish each dish with cabbage salad topped with slices of pheasant and serve immediately.

The two pheasant salad cabbage


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