Tomato tart with saffron cream

Tomato tart with saffron cream
Tomato tart with saffron cream 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_10197 TOMATO TART with SAFFRON CREAM INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE a sheet of frozen puff pastry, 200 g of tomato pulp, a pack of cream, 2 whole eggs, 4 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon of Saffron filaments, salt, pepper.

Roll out the pastry and line with this Cake mould; cover it with aluminum foil while good walls so it doesn't come off during cooking.

Cook the pasta in the oven at medium temperature, previously heated, for 10 minutes; withdrawn aluminium and bake again for 5 minutes.

Spread the tomato sauce on the base of the cake, brush strokes with the help of a spoon.

Soak the Saffron strands in two tablespoons of water and let them stand for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat the cream, add the Saffron infusion, retire it from heat and let stand for a few minutes.

Add the beaten eggs, salt and pepper and pour the mixture on the cake, over the sauce.

Gilds in the oven at medium temperature for 30 minutes.

Tomato tart with saffron cream


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