Savarin with orange sherbet

Savarin with orange sherbet
Savarin with orange sherbet 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


18972 SAVARIN with Orange SORBET INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 1 sachet of baking powder, 1 tbsp of freeze dried granulated sugar, 1 stick of cinnamon, 1 orange, 200 g flour, 4 eggs, 125 g soft butter, 1 pinch of salt, 10 cl Cointreau.

In a bowl mix the yeast with the sugar and about 3 tablespoons of water.

Let inflate up to triple the volume.

In a terrinetta beat flour with chopped orange peel, salt, 2 eggs and baking powder.

The dough should fall off from the walls of the terrinetta.

Incorporated the two remaining eggs and stir well.

Cover with a towel and let rise for about 30 minutes at room temperature.

At the end of time, stir softened butter and stir vigorously.

Pour the mixture into a mold for the Savarin (Donut) buttered and let rise until the dough has reached the edge of the mould.

Gently place in the oven and cook for 30 minutes.

Remove the mold and cover with a towel and let it sit for 12 hours at room temperature.

For the syrup: squeeze the Orange and add enough water to get 30 cl of liquid.

Bring to a boil with ginger and cinnamon.

Off the heat, add the Cointreau.

Place the Pizza on a platter and sprinkling it with hot syrup for several times so that you inzuppi well.

Serve the cutlets cut Savarin garnished with a scoop of orange sorbet and garnished with a mint leaf.

Savarin with orange sherbet


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