Mussel flan

Mussel flan
Mussel flan 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 1/2 kg of mussels of medium thickness, 1/2 cup of dry white wine, 1 onion, 1 sprig of parsley, 20 cl of milk, 4 eggs, 20 cl of fresh cream, salt and pepper preparation time: 20 minutes cooking time: 20 minutes Proceedings Scrape well with a sharp knife the mussel shell surface.

Wash them, moving in water and drain.

In a saucepan pour the white wine along with the onion and parsley and bring them to a boil.

Pour the mussels shaking them vigorously and cover the Pan by Cook until the shells do not open.

Withdrawn from the fire pot, remove the mussels from their shells and place them aside on a plate.

Now strain the broth and let it shrink on the fire of the half, then leave it aside.

In another saucepan, heat the milk while you beat the eggs in a bowl with the cream, salt and pepper.

When the milk is hot, pour in the egg Bowl and continue to whisk and add the cooking liquid of mussels.

Butter 4 individual ovenproof containers and stand before a layer of shelled mussels, already held by hand, and then the egg cream, milk and cream.

4 place the terrine baking dish on top of a half-filled with water and place in hot oven 150ø.

for 20 minutes.

You can serve warm flan, garnished mussels shelled and chopped parsley, with slices of bread

Mussel flan


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