Mussel soup 03

Mussel soup 03
Mussel soup 03 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


04998 MUSSEL SOUP INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 1, 500 Kg of mussels, a bunch of parsley, a bunch of basil, six cloves of garlic, half a glass of olive oil, salt, pepper, carefully Brush the mussels under running water, then let them soak in cold water for a few hours.

Wash the parsley and basil, finely mince together with four cloves of garlic and keep them aside.

Remove the mussels from the water and wash them.

Place them in a large saucepan, over a fire; shake the Pan from time to time and, as the mussels open, remove the valve empty, throw those hands and put those with the clam in a bowl.

Filtered water left by the mussels through a fine cloth and keep it aside.

Put the oil in a pan and when hot will be gently Saute parsley, Basil and chopped garlic.

Squirt with half a litre of boiling water and as soon as the liquid comes to a boil, add the mussels and their cooking water.

Season with salt and pepper, cover the saucepan and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.

Mussel soup 03


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