Scorzonera with vegetables with pine nuts

Scorzonera with vegetables with pine nuts
Scorzonera with vegetables with pine nuts 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


SCORZONERA 05981 with VEGETABLES to PINE NUTS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 500 g of potatoes floury, not possibly 400 g Salsify, 4 frozen artichoke bottoms, 200 g green asparagus, spring onions chopped 2 pink, 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 teaspoons pine nuts, 50 g Parmesan, salt, pepper.

Rinse the potatoes and steam Cook for about 25 minutes.

Peel them and cut them into rings.

Delete, with the help of a potato peeler, the outside and any rootlets of scorzonera.

As they clean the scorzonera, soak the roots in water acidulated with lemon juice to prevent blackening.

Clean the asparagus by removing them the final part of the stem which is tougher.

Separatamnete vegetables cooked in salted water.

When cooked, drain thoroughly all vegetables.

Cut the Artichoke leaf funds, while asparagus and Salsify into pieces about 3 inches long.

In a tall pan with non-stick coating, heat the oil and Brown the chopped onions.

Add the potatoes and continue cooking for about 7 minutes to fire.

Add the prepared vegetables, seasoning with salt and pepper.

Continue cooking for about 5 minutes on a moderate flame.

When cooked, add the pine nuts and stir thoroughly.

Garnish with the grated cheese and served with no wait.

Scorzonera with vegetables with pine nuts


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