Swordfish with marsala sauce

Swordfish with marsala sauce
Swordfish with marsala sauce 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


07415 FRESH SWORD with MARSALA SAUCE and capers SERVES 4 PERSONS 800 g fresh sword, parsley, 1 onion, Bay leaves, dry marsala, 0, 5 l of fish broth, 4 salted anchovies, 1 lemon, 1 dwarf salted capers cucc, olive oil, salt, pepper wash the prezzemol PROCEDURE and tie it a bunch.

Place over heat a casserole with oil; just place the slice of FRY sword, salted and peppered, parsley, onion, cut into slices and some bay leaf.

Moderate heat Saute on both sides; then remove the fish and keep warm.

Squirt with a glass of marsala wine, raise the heat, let it evaporate, then soaked with broth.

Bring to a boil to reduce the sauce.

Wash and anchovies, boned.

Oil in a sauté pan, add the olive oil and let Brown, spappolandole with a fork.

Add the anchovies, capers and lemon juice to cooking fish, stir, taste and, in case, add salt and pepper.

Given a boil, then pour the sauce over the slices of sword and serve immediately.

Swordfish with marsala sauce


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