Couscous salad, mushrooms and pomegranate

Couscous salad, mushrooms and pomegranate
Couscous salad, mushrooms and pomegranate 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


08294 COUSCOUS SALAD, mushrooms and POMEGRANATE INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 2 eggplants, a pomegranate, a plain yogurt, juice of one lemon, a nut, a clove of garlic, 300 g of porcini mushrooms, 100 g of couscous, 1/2 tablespoon of paprika, one tablespoon of chopped Mint, lettuce leaves, salt and oil melt in 250 ml of boiling water and immerse in nut once the couscous.

Cover with foil and let rest for a m.

stir with a fork to separate the couscous so it inflate evenly.

Add the lemon juice and a tablespoon of oil, stir and keep aside.

Wash and peel the aubergines, cut the flesh into small cubes and place in a colander.

Add salt and let sit for 15 minutes so that the water loss.

After this time, rinse, dry with a paper towel and let them Brown in a pan with a little oil.

Wipe the mushrooms with a damp paper towel to remove the earthy parts and cut them into slices.

You heat a little oil in a pan and let them dry for a few minutes, add salt.

Peel the garlic and finely tritatelo.

In a bowl mix the yogurt with the garlic, paprika, and Mint.

Cut the pomegranate in half and separate the grains.

Mix the couscous with the eggplant, mushrooms and the pomegranate, mixed and served on a bed of lettuce.

Nappate with yogurt sauce and serve.

Couscous salad, mushrooms and pomegranate


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