Provencal sauce (salsa alla provenzale)

Provencal sauce (salsa alla provenzale)
Provencal sauce (salsa alla provenzale) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


12206 PROVENCAL SAUCE INGREDIENTS 1 kg of tomatoes, white onions, 4 cloves garlic, 2 3 fillets of salted anchovies, 2 2 green peppers, red peppers, 200 g of mushrooms, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, parsley, salt, pepper.

Peel the onions and the garlic.

Crush the garlic and chop the onions finely.

Wash the peppers, remove the seeds and white interior strands then cut them into strips.

Wash the parsley, tamponatelo with kitchen paper, then tritatelo.

Soak the anchovies in a bowl with fresh water for dissalarle.

Cleaned with a damp cloth, then mushrooms make them jump into a pan with a tablespoon of oil until their water is not evaporated.

Cross-cut tomatoes, immerse them briefly in a pan full of boiling water; drain thoroughly then Peel.

Cut them in half, remove the seeds and the water, then crush coarsely with a fork.

In a nonstick saucepan, FRY quickly in hot olive oil, onions, garlic and peppers.

Lower the heat and let simmer a few minutes.

Add tomatoes, mushrooms, add salt and pepper, add the parsley and keep on stirring with a wooden spoon.

Use hot sauce with pasta, white meat and fish.

Provencal sauce (salsa alla provenzale)


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