Recipes with chopped fresh dill

In the following list of recipes you can find 4 recipes made with chopped fresh dill ingredient.
  • In a bowl, four tablespoons of olive oil emulsified with grapefruit juice and filtered to lemon colander, half a teaspoon mustard's aromatic, season with a...
    Main ingredient: Herring
  • Clean a salmon of approx. 1000 g and cut it lengthwise. Fold over and are stuffed with 2 tablespoons sugar mixed with 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper and...
    Main ingredient: Salmon
  • Boil the spinach, cut, diced potatoes and carrots. Pour the vegetables, broth, chopped dill, salt, pepper and the tomato puree in a pot. Bring to a boil and...
    Main ingredient: Spinach