Recipes with cinnamon bark

In the following list of recipes you can find 5 recipes made with cinnamon bark ingredient.
  • Let macerate all the herbs in alcohol for 6 days in an airtight jar, agitating the contents occasionally. Strain and keep alcohol from a bottle corked. Put the...
    Main ingredient: White Vermouth
  • For preparation we must put in a glass jar a litre of excellent grappa, along with 50 g of bitter orange peels (using only the outer part, discarding the white...
    Main ingredient: Honey
  • Leave for 10 days the spices to macerate in alcohol in a glass jar airtight. Spent the time required also United water, which melted sugar; mix thoroughly,...
    Main ingredient: Timo
  • Let macerate all the aromas with alcohol in a closed jar for 20 days, stirring twice daily. Then dissolve the sugar in water and add it to macerate, leaving it...
    Main ingredient: Star Anise
  • Put rose petals of different colors but also scented, infused in hot water and let it sit for a couple of days. Strain and add alcohol, sugar, cinnamon,...
    Main ingredient: Rosa