Tortiglioni with radicchio and sausage

Tortiglioni with radicchio and sausage
Tortiglioni with radicchio and sausage 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


For the salamino: Peel and cut the sausage into small pieces.

Flour the pieces of sausage and put them aside.

For radicchio: clean and wash the chicory under running water.

Dry it thoroughly and cut into thin strips.

For the sauce: Peel the garlic.

Pour the oil in a pan and put it on the fire: when the oil is hot, add the clove of garlic peeled and roast it well to open flame.

Lower the flame under the frying pan and add the chopped salami and dusted with flour.

Saute sausage in oil, then wet with white wine.

Allow to evaporate the wine and to complete cooking the sausage, then add the radicchio cut into strips.

Also add a little salt and black pepper.

Cook for 1 minute, then turn off the heat and put the bread sauce.

For the dough: while the salamino bake, boil the tortiglioni in salted water.

To serve: drain the pasta al dente and pour directly into the pan with the sauce.

Blow the flame lively pasta mixing well with sauce.

Sprinkle with the grated Parmesan and serve immediately.

Tortiglioni with radicchio and sausage

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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