Scrambled eggs (16)

Scrambled eggs (16)
Scrambled eggs (16) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


We use very different ingredients to add scrambled eggs, to enrich the recipe, which becomes so dish or main course.

But they are also excellent.

In any case we must take care, preparation, that the eggs do not pass a certain level of warmth and some cooking time, otherwise they become all lumps.

For this reason very rich butter is used.

Open cold eggs in a bowl, beat a bit, season with pepper and salt.

Meanwhile, heat in the Pan almost all butter, without additions to fry: Add the egg mixture, stir once, with the wooden spoon, bring forward the very moderate cooking, until they are cooked and mix, but still creamy texture and pale; Add one more handful of chopped parsley and then the rest of the butter in pieces; Let mixes, split immediately in dishes: and serve.

Someone uses keep aside a spoonful of beaten eggs and add it to the rest, at the same time that you take away from the fire, in order to maintain softer.

Serve immediately hot.

Scrambled eggs (16)

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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