Scrambled eggs with tomato sauce in the microwave

Scrambled eggs with tomato sauce in the microwave
Scrambled eggs with tomato sauce in the microwave 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Put a round Pyrex baking dish or other material compatible with microwaves in the oven with a knob of butter and move for a few seconds at medium power up to melt the butter.

In a bowl beat eggs with 1 8 peeled, salt and a sprig of Basil.

If you like you can put black pepper too.

Pour the eggs into the Pan and cook for 5 minutes at maximum power, taking care to stir halfway through cooking.

Let sit for 2 minutes and serve immediately, without the eggs to cool.

Scrambled eggs with tomato sauce in the microwave

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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