Scallops with leeks beer

Scallops with leeks beer
Scallops with leeks beer 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00116 SCALLOPS to BEER with LEEKS INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 8 scallops, egg yolk, 125 g butter, 8 leeks, chervil, a glass of beer, salt, pepper, paprika.

Open the scallops, wash them thoroughly and separate the white pulp from Red coral.

Tamponatele with absorbent paper towels.

Wash the leeks, remove the Greens harder and tamponateli with kitchen paper.

Cut them into two in thickness direction, place them on a cutting board and cut lengthwise, resulting in many strips.

In a pan melt 25 g of butter and sauté over high heat leeks for a few minutes, without ceasing to stir.

Add salt and pepper.

Prepared two casseroles of various sizes for cooking in a Bain-Marie.

Fill the larger than water and, when it starts boiling, pour into saucepan smaller the yolk and 75 g butter, stirring with a wooden spoon so that the cream becomes thicker.

Pour the beer and, without ceasing to stir, add the paprika.

Meanwhile, melt the butter in a saucepan.

Dive scallops and let them jump for 2 minutes over high heat.

Add salt and pepper.

In every single dish arrange the strips to form a nest, posatevi over 2 scallops to each, pour a little beer sauce, garnish with Chervil.

Serve immediately.

Scallops with leeks beer


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