Marinated scallop

Marinated scallop
Marinated scallop 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00117 SCALLOPS MARINATED INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 16 Saint-Jacques, 3 leeks, the juice of 4 lemons, 50 g butter, 10 cl of olive oil, salt and pepper.

Keep the shells upright with your left hand well protected, so that the valve flat is facing up and the hinge point is located at the base of the thumb.

Insert the blade of a knife between the two valve and carefully machined to remove the flesh from the walls of the valve.

Pass the blade between the pulp and a black dot located at the rear of the shell near the hinge point.

Remove the black part around the muscle.

Slide the knife blade under the do not call when the Red coral.

Continue so to open all the scallops.

Then Separate the nuts by corals and quickly rinse under running water.

Finely chopped nuts and place on a plate.

Copsargetele with salt and leave to marinate one or 2 hours in the refrigerator.

In the meantime wash the leeks and cut them into thin slices.

In a saucepan, heat the oil and sauté the leeks over high heat, until it will be well coloured.

Retire it and place on absorbent kitchen paper.

Fry the corals in the butter for a few minutes, then cut them into chunks.

Then add half of the lemon juice and stir.

Place then in a radial pattern in individual dishes the walnut slices sit at Leek washers and a tablespoon of lemon juice with bits of coral.

Stir the remaining portion of lemon juice with oil and sprayed the whole thing.


Marinated scallop


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