Timbale with creamed polenta

Timbale with creamed polenta
Timbale with creamed polenta 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


01361 PUDDING with CREAM and POLENTA INGREDIENTS 4 PEOPLE 400 g of Quartirolo, 4 eggs, 1 tablespoon flour, satin 150 g milk, 30 g of butter, a spoonful of truffle cream, 200 g of flour, a carrot, an onion, salt, pepper.

Turn on the oven and put a baking dish with a finger.

In a saucepan melt the butter, add the flour and stir until you get a cream; then pour the milk and Cook, continuing to stir, until it reaches a creamy consistency.

Let cool.

Coarsely chopped the Quartirolo, pass in the mixer with the egg and embed the béchamel sauce.

Add salt and flavored with truffle cream.

Pour into individual molds, metal or porcelain.

Arrange in baking dish, in a Bain-Marie, and cook for about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile prepare the cream to polenta: Cook for about 10 minutes the vegetables in about a quart and a half of slightly salty water.

Remove the vegetables and pour, rain the flour mixing vigorously.

Cook for about 30 minutes.

Polenta should be very soft.

The casseroles served on a bed of creamy polenta.

Timbale with creamed polenta


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