Timbale of tortellini

Timbale of tortellini
Timbale of tortellini 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


01027 TORTELLINI TIMBALE INGREDIENTS for 4-6 PEOPLE 1 package of frozen puff pastry; 50 g dried porcini mushrooms; 250 g chicken livers; 1 onion; 1 carrot; 2 celery ribs; a sprig of parsley; a sprig of Sage; 2 cloves garlic; 100 g butter; 2 tablespoons oil; 200 g of sausage; 1 glass of red wine; 2 tablespoons flour, more for rolling out the dough; 80 g of tomato sauce; broth; salt and pepper; 1 kg of fresh tortellini; 1 glass of milk; 1 glass of cream; breadcrumbs; grated Parmesan.

Let thaw the puff pastry at room temperature.

Meanwhile put the dried mushrooms in hot water, when will you begin to prepare softened the other ingredients to the meat sauce.

Clean well the livers, freeing them from the gall and cut them into small pieces or halves, depending on whether they are more or less great.

Chop all vegetables and herbs, then FRY the chopped in a casserole, preferably earthenware, with 50 g of butter and oil.

Together with fried mushrooms, which have wrung and washed, coarsely chopped; then the livers and peeled and chopped sausage.

Mix well and saute gently.

Bathed with red wine and let it evaporate fairly cheerful flame.

At this point, sift over ingredients in baking a spoonful of flour, lumping together well with the rest.

Tomato sauce diluted with half a litre of boiling broth and pour into the saucepan, stirring with a wooden spoon.

Add salt and pepper and cook over very low flame and covered container for at least 3 hours.

Check from time to time that the sauce will not stick to the bottom of the container and not overly dry; possibly allungatelo with a little broth, however, keep in mind that, when cooked, it should be dense and dry.

Spent 2 hours of cooking the meat sauce, put on fire the pot with boiling salted water; as soon as it boils, go the tortellini and let them boil al dente.

Meanwhile, prepare the béchamel sauce: melt in a pan 30 g of butter and add a tablespoon of flour, stirring with a wooden spoon; then diluted with milk and cream and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, add salt and pepper and remove from heat.

Drain tortellini, put them in a bowl and toss with half of the meat sauce.

Meanwhile it defrosted puff pastry: roll out on floured pastry Board, in a disk big enough to coat the bottom and sides of a mould (preferably with removable RIM) of 28-30 cm in diameter.

Grease the baking Tin and lay the disc, adjusting well edges.

Sprinkle the pastry with two handfuls of breadcrumbs, then rovesciatevi half of tortellini.

On these spread a layer of ragù and béchamel and scatter one to two handfuls of Parmesan abundant.

Formed, then another layer of tortellini, who dress the same way.

Put in oven and bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes, covering in the last 10 minutes the surface with aluminum foil.

Remove from oven, let stand for 5 minutes, then put the timbale on the serving dish: serve him cut into wedges.

Timbale of tortellini


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