Bowl of tuna with tomato vinagretta

Bowl of tuna with tomato vinagretta
Bowl of tuna with tomato vinagretta 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


01104 TUNA TERRINE with TOMATO VINAGRETTA INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 400 g of fresh tuna, 2 cucumbers, tomato, 12 1 tbsp olive oil, 4 tablespoons vinegar, fish nut 1, 4 sheets of gelatin, salt.

Peel cucumbers, cut into very thin slices, generously sprinkle the pretzels and let them drain for dispersed some of their water.

Cut the fish into thin fillets, sprinkle the pretzels with the minced fish and nut are wet with oil and vinegar; Let them marinate for 30 minutes.

Peel the tomatoes, cucumbers and cut out the flesh into cubes.

Passed the gelatin sheets in cold water and scaldateli on the fire with 2 tablespoons of water, until they dissolve.

Drain tuna, add the dissolved gelatine to vinagretta prepared and add tomato.

A mould lined with a sheet of plastic wrap and fill it with cucumber and alternating mounds of tuna.

Pour over the sauce with the tomatoes, making sure to distribute it well.

Leave it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours before you pull out.

Bowl of tuna with tomato vinagretta


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