Fusilli with sausage

Fusilli with sausage
Fusilli with sausage 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


03041 FUSILLI with SAUSAGE Ingredients 400 g fusilli.

250 g of sausage; two tablespoons of tomato sauce; oil, butter; grated Parmesan; parsley; salt and pepper, remove the skin and cut the sausage into small pieces; Put in a pan one knob of butter, let it Brown and join the sausage: not just avr? browned, add a little ladle of broth and let it cook slowly for about 40 minutes; After this time, add the sausage two tablespoons of tomato sauce and a handful of chopped parsley; Lightly salted (because the sausage and tasty) and pepper; Cook another 20 minutes; Meanwhile, boil the Rigatoni and drain them, put them in a soup-tureen, go over the gravy with sausage, two handfuls of Parmesan cheese and a piece of fresh butter; Stir so that the pasta and sauce amalgamated themselves well and add more grated Parmesan; cut into thin slices salami and mozzarella cubes.

Put in a saucepan rather large the chopped, salami and olive oil; When the vegetables are wilted and sausage, pour the white wine and let evaporate high heat without cover.

then add the tomatoes, Peel and seeds, and the tomato paste, season with salt and pepper, lower the heat and stirring occasionally, let thicken the sauce slightly.

Cook the pasta in boiling salted water until al dente, drain and pour into the Pan and stir, after adding a tablespoon of grated pecorino cheese.

Removed from heat pour into a serving dish, sprinkle with mozzarella, sprinkle with oregano and serve immediately.

Aside from the cheese was served.

Fusilli with sausage


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