Bucatini with anchovies and raisins

Bucatini with anchovies and raisins
Bucatini with anchovies and raisins 5 1 Stefano Moraschini

03601 BUCATINI with ANCHOVIES, raisins and pine nuts (Sicily) ingredients 4 PEOPLE 320 g of bucatini pasta type, 1 small onion, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon of tomato paste, 4 tablespoons of raisins, 4 tablespoons of pine nuts, 8 salted anchovies, 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. Preparation: 15 minutes cooking time: 23 minutes Wash PROCEDURE under the water jet the anchovies, salt releasing them, open them, remove the bones and cut into small pieces. Peel the onion and chop finely, Brown it in oil for a few minutes in a large pan, add half a ladleful of boiling water where the concentrate melted, add the raisins and pine nuts, Cook for 10 minutes. Pour in the Pan pieces of anchovy, mash with a fork until it will be thawed, (keep the fire low, otherwise the anchovies they heat up too much and become loving). Cook the pasta in salted water, add two tablespoons of cooking water to the sauce, drain the pasta, pour it in the Pan and Brown for 30 seconds. Serve the bucatini, sprinkling them breadcrumbs.

Bucatini with anchovies and raisins


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