Mushroom stuffed conchiglioni (large shells)

Mushroom stuffed conchiglioni (large shells)
Mushroom stuffed conchiglioni (large shells) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_03202 STUFFED CONCHIGLIONI (LARGE SHELLS) with MUSHROOMS INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 200 g of conchiglioni (large shells).

For the filling: 200 g of mushrooms, 150 g mushrooms kind Cervantes, 50 g mushrooms 500 g chanterelles, type of Chilblains, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, one onion, one tablespoon of tomato paste, 5 cl dry white wine, 2 Sage leaves, 20 g of butter more that to grease the pot, 40 g of grated Parmesan, 30 cl of bechamel, 30 g grated Gruyère, salt, pepper.

Clean the mushrooms by deleting the earthy part, rinse and slice them up.

Delete even the traces of grass and Earth from the forest mushrooms, wipe with a cloth Chilblains moist and cut larger in half.

You find them for 5 minutes in a pan without adding seasoning, so they eliminate their water.

Drain them, let them soften, about 8 minutes, over medium heat, 3 tablespoons of olive oil and, halfway through the cooking, add the crushed garlic, salt and pepper.

Keep them aside.

Preheat oven to 210° and butter a gratin dish.

Meanwhile, Cook the conchiglioni (large shells) in salted boiling water according to the time indicated on the packaging; drain.

Peel and chop the onion; dilute the tomato in white wine; chop the Sage.

Let soften the onion for 5 minutes, butter and olive oil; Add the mushrooms and forest mushrooms, white wine, Sage, salt and pepper.

Continue cooking for another 10 minutes over a medium heat and pour the whole thing with Chilblains, in a blender.

Stir the Parmesan cheese and béchamel sauce.

Fill a pastry pocket and stuffed the conchiglioni (large shells) and arrange them in a circle in the pot, add the Gruyere and the rest of the melted butter.

Cover with aluminum foil and finish cooking for 15 minutes in hot oven (remove the aluminum after 10 minutes).

Mushroom stuffed conchiglioni (large shells)


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