Mushroom soup with yogurt

Mushroom soup with yogurt
Mushroom soup with yogurt 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


04811 YOGHURT MUSHROOMS SOUP INGREDIENTS 600 g of mixed seasonal mushrooms, creamy yogurt, 2 3 scallions, a stalk of celery and a clove of garlic, a nut to vegetables, oil, butter, parsley, salt, white pepper.

In a pan with a little butter, then Saute, simmer, the onions and sliced celery; Meanwhile, in a saucepan with 1/2 liter of water melt the vegetable nut.

Clean the mushrooms, put aside what one for decoration, rinse under warm water, cut them into thin slices and fry them in a pan for a minute until they will have absorbed the cooking water, sprinkle with garlic and parsley, Cook a few more minutes.

Add the vegetables, broth and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.

Pass the soup to Blender until obtaining a fine cream.

Transferred in a soup-tureen, add the yogurt, stir well and season with salt and white pepper.


Tip: If you want to get a finer cream move two or three times.

Serve the soup with preserved mushrooms and a pinch of chopped fresh parsley.

Mushroom soup with yogurt


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