Skewers of duck breast with plums

Skewers of duck breast with plums
Skewers of duck breast with plums 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


09671 SKEWERS of Duck BREASTS with PLUMS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 15 dl of dry white wine, 4 tablespoons of brandy, 2 tablespoons liquid honey acacia? s, 400 g of pitted prunes, 2 duck breasts, 1 tablespoon black pepper in grains, 1 tablespoon of red pepper in grains, 16 Bay leaves, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, saltand pepper.

In a saucepan combine the white wine, brandy and honey; place the prunes and pour enough water to cover them.

Bring to a boil and let simmer for 5 minutes to fire.

Meanwhile, light the grill.

Cut the duck breasts in half lengthwise, then in big cubes, if you don't like the oily parts.

Remove with a skimmer, prunes, add to marinade the grains of black pepper and pink ones, put on fire and, over medium heat, reduce the liquid until 15 cl.

Prepare the skewers alternating meat cubes, Laurel leaf and plum.

Brush strokes with sunflower oil, salt and pepper; Let them Brown on the grill, 3 minutes per side.

Spread a few spoonful of sauce on a serving dish, arrange the kebabs, sprayed with the sauce and serve.

Skewers of duck breast with plums


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