Vol au vent with chicken soup

Vol au vent with chicken soup
Vol au vent with chicken soup 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00288 VOL AU VENT with CHICKEN SAUCE INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 600 g of frozen dough stretched out, 1 yolk, 300 g of chicken breast, 200 g of asparagus (also frozen), 1 carrot, 1 small onion, 1 stick of celery, 2 cloves, 2 tablespoons butter, salt and pepper.

For the sauce: 30 g butter, 30 g of flour, nutmeg and salt.

Preparation: 40 minutes: 1 hour cooking time: 75 minutes per serving: 387 Calories Thawed puff pastry at room temperature.

, Lined with baking paper, baking plates.

Roll out the puff pastry sheet on floured work surface; cropped from browse more diskettes possible, using a round pasta cutter 8-10 cm in diameter, with wavy rim and remove any scraps of dough around the diskettes.

Record at the Center, one-third of the diskettes with a smaller cutters to form rings.

Beat lightly with a fork, the yolk and spennelatelo on diskettes; stack rings, disks so that the edges match, and brush with the egg yolk well rings.

Cutlery the vol-au-vent ready over the plates and put them in the fridge for an hour.

Bring to a boil 1 litre of salted water, add the carrot, scraped and washed, stick of celery washed; Add the peeled onion into which you will put the cloves.

You resume boil, put in the pan the chicken breast and cook for 30 minutes; strain the broth and keep it aside and cut the breast into cubes.

Bring to a boil two fingers of salted water in a large saucepan, place the asparagus and bring them in.

Drain the asparagus and put them in cold water, remove the hard part of the stems and divide the rest into small pieces, leave the tips whole.

In a pan melt 2 tablespoons of butter, sauté 5 minutes the chicken cubes and chunks of asparagus, season with salt and pepper.

Melt in a pan at the bottom often butter, Add flour, stir with a wooden spoon until the ingredients are blended.

Pour a glass of broth kept apart, bring to boiling to fire tender, stirring, for 15 minutes.

Salted and flavoured with nutmeg.

Remove from heat, add the Diced Chicken and asparagus, put the cover and keep warm on the stove.

Cook the vol-au-vent already warm oven (220°) until golden brown; remove them from the oven, pull the central part for making grooves and fill with the mixture of chicken and asparagus.

Serve immediately.

Vol au vent with chicken soup


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