Tulip with berries

Tulip with berries
Tulip with berries 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


' A17207 ' with ICE-CREAM and TULIPAS RED FRUITS 4 PERSONS INGREDIENTS 400 g 200 g of strawberries, raspberries, currants, 100 g 4 balls of vanilla ice cream, 1 ball cream, 75 g sugar, 1 cup of Porto, 1 orange.

For the dough: 300 g 7 egg whites, powdered sugar, 100 g of flour, vanilla powder.


Whip egg whites slightly and stir the sugar, slowly with a wooden spoon without working the dough too much.


Add a bit of vanilla and sifted flour, stir it carefully and let it sit for 15 minutes.


on a baking plate, previously greased and floured, formed a 15 cm disc.

(the cookie must be very fine).

Cook in oven, previous-mind lit, just enough that the dough starts to Brown; remove them and give the shape with the help of a mold.


Squeeze the orange juice and mix with the port and sugar, add the raspberries, strawberries (keeping what one aside for garnish) and let it soak for about an hour.


Go to a vegetable mill and after finely flows to eliminate the seeds of raspberries.

Add the cream and currant, mixed.


Place each ice cream ball tulipas and some strawberries and cover with raspberry sauce and redcurrant.

Tulip with berries


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