Slice of lemon with spumoni slices and leaves

Slice of lemon with spumoni slices and leaves
Slice of lemon with spumoni slices and leaves 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_17411 LEMON with SPUMONI slices and LEMON LEAVES ingredients for 8 persons 200 g biscuits, 100 g butter, 300 ml lemon juice, a big lemon untreated, 18 g gelatine leaves, 2 tablespoons limoncello liqueur, 7 egg whites, 300 g cream, 130 g caster sugar, 40 g icing sugar, 3 tablespoons apricot jam, 2 sprigs of Mint.

Preparation: 30 minutes cooking time: 7 minutes: 6 hours Rest finely Crumbled cookies in food processor; melt the butter 3 minutes in a pan, fry it and free off the heat, add biscuits, mixing.

Wet with cold water inside the rim of a baking tray can be opened (24 cm in diameter), place it on the plate and pour the mixture of butter and biscuits, distributed in an even layer and press with the back of a spoon.

Place the plate in the freezer until it is complete.

Soften gelatin in cold water.

Wash and dry the lemon and cut it into slices about 3-4 mm.

Bring to a boil in a large half glass of water and 50 g of sugar, soak the slices of lemon, after removing the stones, and cook 3 minutes, drain, posatele on parchment paper and let them dry In a pan heat the lemon juice, boil.

Add the liqueur, mix well squeezed gelatin, stirring.

Pour the egg whites, at room temperature, in a bowl, mount them with the electric mixer for about seven minutes, add granulated sugar, a little at a time, with the vertical movements of a fork.

Whip the cream, very cold, and the icing sugar in a bowl until foamy atra? well, then add with a fork to lemon juice, chilled but not yet consolidated.

Add the whipped egg whites with a fork, practicing vertical movements lenses not to remove them.

Place the plate in the refrigerator until the mixture has consolidated, 6 hours approximately.

Pass the blade of a knife between the edge of the Pan and the cake, to disengage and tamponatelo to the exterior using a sponge soaked in very hot water.

Open the hinge, pull the Board and transfer the cake to a serving platter with a spatula.

Let thicken a third of lemon cooking liquid until syrupy consistency, let it cool and spennellatelo on the lemon slices that you deployed on the Spumoni.

Slice of lemon with spumoni slices and leaves


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