Sweet noodles with ginger and citrus zest

Sweet noodles with ginger and citrus zest
Sweet noodles with ginger and citrus zest 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


19614 SWEET NOODLES with GINGER and citrus ZEST ingredients for 8 persons 800 g fresh egg pasta into rectangles approximately 20 x 30 cm, 200 g caster sugar, 2 tbsp ginger powder, 300 g of orange zest, 300 g of Cedars (or lemons to thick peel), 4 cups of peanut oil, 4 tablespoons powdered sugar, 80 g of orange peel and candied Citron.

Preparation: 20 minutes cooking time: 18 minutes Easy wash the oranges and the Cedars under the Jet of cold water, sfregandoli good with your hands and dry them with kitchen paper.

grate zest them, letting it fall on a large plate, grate the white part of the oranges, because bitter.

Spread rectangles of dough on floured work surface, sprinkle them with the sugar and grated rinds, spolverizzateli with ginger, letting it fall out of the colander; Press the ingredients with your hands to make them join.

Roll up each rectangle on himself, starting from one of the shorter sides (do not press too much pasta, but make sure that the filling doesn't escape; then cut each roll with the knife with parallel cuts spaced about 1 cm between them, to form the spirals.

Pour the oil into a pan, bring it to room temperature and frying 6 spirals friggetevi minutes, pushing them below the level of the oil with slotted spoon; drain with slotted spoon on some pieces of paper towel and let cool completely.

Roundtrip on a serving dish, sprinkle with icing sugar, dropped from the colander.

Complete with orange peel and candied Citron, cut into slices.


Sweet noodles with ginger and citrus zest


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