Morsels of pancarre '

Morsels of pancarre '
Morsels of pancarre ' 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00783 BIGNE ' with HAM MOUSSE INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 4 slices of bread for sandwiches, 200 g butter, 300 g of shoulder ham in one piece, 5 tablespoons of cream, a teaspoon of Brandy, 5-6 drops of tabasco sauce, a tablespoon of ketchup, 4 sprigs of parsley with large leaves, caper berries, mayonnaise, pepper, salt.

Cut the ham into small cubes.

Put them in a food processor and beat them until a smooth cream.

Add 150 g of cold butter pieces and continue to whip at medium speed.

2 tablespoons cream combined with very cold, the tabasco, ketchup and Brandy.

Add salt and pepper and blend again, getting a soft cream and puffed up.

Transferred then the cream in a bowl and keep it in the refrigerator until use.

Wash the parsley, remove the leaves and dry them with kitchen paper, trying not to accartocciarle.

Kitchen foil-lined a mold from plum cake with the base equal to slices of bread (you can cut the slices of bread so that they slide to fit into the mold).

Place a slice on the bottom and spalmatela with ham foam.

Put parsley leaves, cover with another bread and continue in the same way, ending with a slice of bread.

Keep in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Put the preparation and cut it into logs of 3-4 cm.

Garnish each stub with a dollop of mayonnaise, some the result of caper and parsley leaves.

Serve immediately.

Morsels of pancarre '


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