Mushroom pie

Mushroom pie
Mushroom pie 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


01261 MESS of MUSHROOMS INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 250 g of mushrooms, whole milk 10 cl, 10 cl of cream, 4 sprigs of fresh thyme, 2 tablespoons of almond powder, 2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan, 350 g orecchiette type fungi, 10 cl of olive oil, salt and pepper clean the mushrooms with a damp paper towel to remove the earthy parts and cut them into slices.

Place in a saucepan with a pinch of salt, milk and cream.

Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

Mix in a bowl the almond powder with the thyme leaves and Parmesan.

Switch on the oven grill and grease a baking dish.

Orechiette with clean paper towels moistened and remove the stems.

You blast the heads in a large skillet in oil over high heat.

Mixed pepper and preserved in a colander.

Puree the mushrooms with cream and cooking milk until mixture is creamy and smooth.

Pour into baking dish, arrange the mushrooms and sprinkle with the almond mixture and cheese.

Bake and Grill for 5 minutes under the grill and serve.

You can accompany the mess with slices of roast.

Mushroom pie


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