Mushroom salad with pineapple and shrimp

Mushroom salad with pineapple and shrimp
Mushroom salad with pineapple and shrimp 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


08182 MUSHROOM SALAD and shrimp CO pineapple INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 250 g of palm heart, canned 1/2 fresh pineapple, 2 carrots, 100 g soya sprouts, 4 large mushrooms, shrimp pink 12, 150 g of bacon, 2 tablespoons of caramel, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 3 tablespoons oil, one teaspoon anise seed, salt, pepper.

Peel and grate the carrots.

Hearts of Palm, drained and cut into rings.

Clean the pineapple and cut the flesh into small cubes.

Boil salted water and scottatevi for about 30 seconds the soya sprouts.

Drain Them.

Clean the mushrooms with a damp cloth and then thin lamellae lagliateli.

Finely chop the bacon.

In a wok heat the caramel and soya sauce, let us skip the bacon over high heat for about 2 minutes; then remove it from the wok with the help of a skimmer.

Place on a piece of kitchen paper.

Pour the lemon juice and oil in a bowl and stir vigorously.

In a bowl stir all ingredients, seasoning with salt and pepper.

Add the oil and lemon vinaigrette, flavored with anise seeds and stir thoroughly.


Mushroom salad with pineapple and shrimp


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