Smoked cod salad with eggs of quagli

Smoked cod salad with eggs of quagli
Smoked cod salad with eggs of quagli 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


08553 SMOKED COD SALAD with QUAIL EGG INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 4 potatoes, 12 quail eggs, fennel, endives 4, a tablespoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of wine vinegar 6 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon dill, 400 g of smoked cod (thinly sliced) 2 teaspoons olives, cream 10 g butter, salt, pepper.

Cook the potatoes for 20 minutes in boiling salted water.

Drain and Peel.

Make firm 6 quail eggs for 3 minutes in boiling water; Peel and cut them in half.

Wash the fennel and cut into sticks; rinse, dry and separate endive leaves.

In a saucepan, pour the lemon juice, vinegar, oil, salt and pepper and heat in a Bain-Marie Divide potatoes into 4 ramekins with fennel, Endive, cod slices and boiled quail eggs; spread the cream of olives and bathed with the vinaigrette.

When serving, Cook in a small frying pan quail eggs left, in hot butter, add salt, pepatele, arrange on salad and serve it warm.

Smoked cod salad with eggs of quagli


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