Potato and onion pie (torta di patate e cipolle)

Potato and onion pie (torta di patate e cipolle)
Potato and onion pie (torta di patate e cipolle) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


10156 CAKE of potatoes and onions 4 INGREDIENTS 600 g PERSONS 1 Pack onion mashed potatoes 200 ml (1 cup) of milk 100 g butter 100 g of sliced Bacon for 3 eggs 1 pack of cream salt, pepper PROCEDURE prepare the mashed with 200 ml of water, milk, 50 g of butter and a tablespoon of salt (must be very often).

Pour into a mold from cake and roll it out well so that it covers the bottom and the walls of the mold.

Cut the onion into thin discs and FRY, a very slow fire, with the remaining butter, first browned add the bacon into small pieces and saute for a few minutes.

Drained and mixed with beaten eggs, cream and season with salt and pepper.

Pour the mixture into the mold with the mashed potatoes and bake, oven, for 30 minutes.

Potato and onion pie (torta di patate e cipolle)


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