Recipes with black bread

In the following list of recipes you can find 10 recipes made with black bread ingredient.
  • Prepare the marinade with 5 tablespoons of olive oil, two of vinegar, Bay leaves, 10 peppercorns. Soak the smoked herring fillets and fasciateveli at least one...
    Main ingredient: Herring
  • Fry the bread in butter. In a small frying pan cook the sausages with two or three tablespoons of water; bucherellatele with the prongs of the fork. Spread the...
    Main ingredient: Sausages
  • Break the bread and let it soften in milk, then squeeze and tritatelo. Rinse herring, diliscatele and chop finely; then when done carefully with the butter did...
    Main ingredient: Kippers
  • Open the oysters with a special knife only when serving. Cover the bottom of a serving platter with a layer of crushed ice, you have on this the oysters in...
    Main ingredient: Oysters
  • Crumble the bread and soak it in milk and vanilla for about twelve hours. After soaking homogenise and leave it in a bowl. Mount the two egg whites until...
    Main ingredient: Black Bread
  • Clean cabbage, wash it and lessarlo. Slice it and add it in a pan with butter and salt. Spread on the bottom of a baking pan of bread slices and sprinkle the...
    Main ingredient: Fontina Cheese